Simple - Secure - Social - Scalable
Store your collection of e-books, movies, music on your own cloud. Invite and share your documents to colleagues, friends and families. A simple and intuitive design with loads of application features.
Securely upload or download files over the cloud and control over who, where and when someone can access your data. Our best in class bi-directional security protocols allows businesses a flexible and secure management of data clusters, automation, migration, backup and redundancy, and failover recovery.
Start creating a social presence for your existing business, or start-ups, or even personal use. Acces your own secured domain emails and easily integrate multi media in to your cloud space. Use various feature rich applications like crm, erp, chat, sms, streaming media and many other applications.
Scale down or scale up your cloud space with ease to meet your demands. Easily manage your digital infrastructure without high cost overhead. Flexibility to combine any development stack in to your web services. Variety of open source and propreitory licenced software support are readily available.